Monday, January 1, 2018

Got Goals? Bloghop Pt 2: My Goals for 2018

This blog post is part of my update for the Got Goals? Bloghop. For those of you who are wondering, a bunch of us have set some crazy or just crazy important goals, and once a month, we post updates on our progress toward those goals. For more information or to join in the fun, click here.

In Part 1, I shared how I did with my 2017 goals, but today, I want to take a look at what I want to achieve in 2018.

I've been struggling to wrap my head around goals this year for some reason. Maybe it's because I feel like I'm hopelessly behind on everything, or maybe it's because everything feels like it's up in the air, which makes planning ahead for a year a bit difficult.

But... I do feel like I get more done if I do have a goal frame-work in my life, so I'm going to try.

Okay. So. My goal is to make a living as a writer (which also includes using my writing and publishing knowledge), but for that to work, I need to sort my life out in general. (Again. *Eye roll.*)

So I'm going to go back to categories this year.

Five-Year Goal: Make a Living Off My Writing

Technically I achieved this last year, but I'm going to keep the goal as is, because I'm still far from the number I want to reach. Also, I do want to change the way in which I'm reaching this goal. 

So, my goals towards my Five-Year Goal are:

1) Earn $2,500 per month by the end of this year.
2) Change the profile of my earnings so a third of my income comes from publishing and/or selling my own work. 

This brings me to the next break down of my goals: 

Writing/Publishing Goals

First, I really need to write more, but I also really need to publish something. I can't keep skipping publishing years. 

1) Write or edit something of my own every day. 
2) Finish and publish Wo6C3.
3) Publish the sequel to Endless and/or
4) Publish my historical romance. 

This brings me to the next heading, since it's no use to publish without marketing: 

Marketing Goals

These are a bit more varied, but somewhat more involved than you'd think. 

1) Update my website. Yes, I have a website, for which I pay hosting, but it's so out of date, like before-I-split-with-my-publisher old, so I never link to it, which I find to be sad. 
2) Create a newsletter. Finally have a big enough readership to justify this. 
3) Update The Vanished Knight, The Heir's Choice and Endless to reflect everything I've learned in the past two years. (Like better formatting, since I'm way more experienced now than I was when I started self-publishing.)
4) Be more active on my social networks. (Which includes figuring a content strategy I can actually stick to.) 
5) Ramp up marketing for Wo6C3 as I prepare to publish it. 

And then I have some more goals regarding my life, since being of sound mind and in good health actually helps me get more done. 

Life Goals

1) Be more healthy. Yeah yeah I know this one always gets up there, but this one is always the first goal to go when the wheels fall off, so I need to sort my shit out here. I only have to lose like 66 pounds or something now. Sigh.
2) Read for at least 15 minutes every day.
3) Rest from computer screens from sunrise to sunset on at least one day a week. 
4) Finish the needlepoint tapestry I started like two years ago.
5) Finish the oil painting I definitely started two years ago.

Okay those are the big ones I can think of right now. I'll probably add and deduct goals as I go, depending on how my year goes, but I feel like I hit all the important things. 

What about you? What goals did you set for 2018? Don't forget to sign up if you want to join the Got Goals? Bloghop. 


  1. I set some big, bold goals for 2018. Not quite sure how I'll pull it all off, but I look forward to figuring it out.

    Best of luck to you with your goals. If that historical romance is the one I read, I'll be looking forward to its release. I was just thinking about that story today, actually. Your characters really stuck with me. :)

    1. That is indeed the one you read. I'm pleased to know my characters left such an impact. ^_^

  2. Good luck Misha - I'm sure 2018 will be easier ... and life's balance will work out ... all the best with your goals etc ... happy days too - cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. I hope you have a wonderful 2018!

  3. Sounds like you've got lots of good goals, Misha. I like how you keep some of them manageable, like reading 15 minutes per day. Good luck with all your goals. And hoping you have a Happy New Year!

    1. I try to strike a balance between being ambitious and being reasonable. If my goals are all ambition, I never get things done.

      Happy New Year to you too. :-)

  4. Well, Misha, I never knew you were into oil painting. Please post some pics of that at some point!

    1. To be honest, I last finished a painting in 2013, and worked on my current painting two years ago.

      The big thing, believe it or not, is the instability I'm feeling at the moment. Oils take months to dry, so I don't want to work on it, only for the work to be ruined because we moved or something like that.

  5. Those goals look very doable! (Do we get to see your needlepoint and oil painting when you're done?) I'm excited to watch your journey as you achieve them :-)

    1. Oh yeah definitely. I also post pictures of my progress as I go on instagram., if you haven't followed me there yet. :-)


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